Jump in at the Deep End

A personal post/announcement that I thought I would share:

Today is the last day (for a while at least), that I am a full time employee of someone else’s company, earning a guaranteed salary every month being an iOS developer. At 5:30pm (maybe a bit earlier … it is Friday after all) I will become an indie developer, and I will start working full time on a few applications that I have had in mind for quite a while. As much as I tried, I couldn’t dedicate enough time to these projects while being a full time employee of another company, so I have decided to “Jump in at the Deep End” and start working on these projects full time. It’s a challange and a risk, but one that I am relishing, so hopefully I will make it out the other side in one piece.

If anyone has any advice about running a company (I’m in the UK), or on being a Indie Software Developer than feel free to share it in the comments section, or @ reply me on Twitter (@ObjColumnist).